Saturday, January 31, 2009

Be Patient, I'm Learning

Be patient please, I'm learning. Gee, I must say reading the blogs are a lot easier than posting one (for the first time anyway.) My first post (done this morning) was supposed to be titled "Inspirations Comes In Small Packages" but instead I guess my blog is called that. It works for me because they do inspire me everyday that I am with them. They inspire me to take pictures of them, to bake cakes for them, to read to them and just basically to be a better person for them. Just like their parents did, they bless me and my cup runneth over. I love to nurture - small children, elderly parents, trusted friends, defenseless animals, etc. I take care of people, it's just what I do. Is this some deep, dark hidden problem that I have? Would Dr. Phil tell me that I need to be needed and call it some weird word with phobia on the end of it? Probably. But what is wrong with meeting the needs of others when we can. I don't think I take it over the top or anything. I have mustered up the courage to say "no" occasionally as I have grown in wisdom. I retired from the school after 20 years of service so that I could watch my grandchildren. And though I miss my school friends and some days I question my decision, I know in my heart that God directed me to do it. Even when big boy Turner has tried my patience and all I can whimper to Kate at the end of the day is "just go, please take him" - I believe I am fulfilling a purpose. Some how I just want to put my thumbprint on them all. I want to leave a legacy. Since I don't have millions of dollars to give to orphaned children in 3rd world countries this seems to be the best way. I'll never forget when Blythe was being potty trained...she was on her little potty, and I was on the big one (I get no privacy.) I started to tinkle and she stood up and clapped! What better job can you have when you get a standing ovation for teeteeing on the potty?!

1 comment:

  1. Well, let me be the first to welcome you to the BLOGGING world! I too am a BLOGAHOLIC and will be the 1st to admit it! It is such a FUN past time... to READ and to POST!!!

    Happy Blogging!
    Amanda Laine
