Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child will be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:1-4

The other night I was engaged in a conversation with someone and I innocently said "I take comfort knowing their is a God who watches over me & protects me" wherein Steve said "Everything happens for a reason". All of a sudden it turned in to this debate over Evolution vs Creation, and do you take the bible literally, the different interpetations, etc. We had to get home to feed our babies (dogs) so soon after we left. The next day I just had to e-mail him. I was not through with our conversation and you can probably identify with thinking of all the things you should have said and couldn't think of at the time! So here's the e-mail:
Hey _______, Gee Thanks, I spent half the night thinking about monkeys and "Big Bangs", I started doubting beliefs that have taken me a lifetime to comprehend, yet when I stop trying to comprehend and just believe, I get it. There is a difference. Maybe this is what I was trying to say: So, when you prepare for a trip you pack everything that you are going to need for that particular trip, right? It's like when before you are born God is thinking "Okay, so he is going on this trip, to this place, at this time and this is what he will need" and He packs your bag...just for you with all you will need for your journey and compared to all eternity it is a very short journey. Some people have good trips, bad trips, short trips, long trips, interesting exotic trips, common trips, etc. And even though He equips us, we ultimately determine how we will spend our time; if we glorify God and so forth. His design defines our destiny. I can't wrap my brain around starving children in Africa and tribes who have never heard "the good news." Nor can I begin to understand the great debate of origins, contentions and evidence. You said it didn't make sense, there is no answer, it's not fair, etc. However, in a world so complex with so many questions for our feeble minds, to me it is the only thing that does make sense. Life isn't fair, not to me, not to you, not to the poverty stricken, not to the mentally ill or challenged. God cares more about our character than he does our comfort. In order to make it fair, God sent his son (or himself - don't get me started on the Trinity) a perfect being with no faults, no sins and sacrificed Him so that if we belief (not understand) we get the prize. I HAVE FOUGHT THE GOOD FIGHT, I HAVE FINISHED THE COURSE, I HAVE KEPT THE FAITH - 2 Timothy, you know the one. I love that verse. God never called you to be anyone other than you. So don't think about the starving children, not that you were (it's depressing anyway.) God will make a way where there seems to be no way in the life of each one. Love, Judy
Do I get an Amen??

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